Negotiating Maritime Labor Agreements and Supporting ILWU Workers
PMA negotiates labor agreements on behalf of its members, covering wages, employee benefits and conditions of employment for workers employed at longshore, marine clerk and walking boss/foreman jobs.
In 2017, the ILWU and PMA agreed to the first-ever extension, giving a significant boost to the West Coast waterfront as it continues to gain momentum as the leading North American maritime gateway for international trade. Negotiations for a new contract began in May 2022. For more information on negotiations click here.
Job Training
ILWU-PMA training facilities are located in each region along the West Coast, including Wilmington, CA; Oakland, CA; Tacoma, WA; and Portland, OR. Facilities host training sessions for longshore workers, clerks, and casuals in skills necessary to complete jobs in a productive, safe manner. Classes are multiple times a week in each region.
Workplace Safety
Workplace safety is a key consideration for PMA. PMA and its members take a collaborative approach to safety training and security at marine terminals and throughout the supply chain, leading accident rates to fall to all-time lows.
All workers receive comprehensive safety training as part of their initial orientation, and safety lessons are reinforced at job sites daily. PMA works closely with employers and workers to understand operational issues and to improve jobsite safety. The Joint Area Accident Prevention Committees and their subcommittee workgroups allow PMA and the ILWU to address workplace safety in each region on the West Coast.
Safety Bulletins are posted regularly by PMA. Bulletins alert ILWU workers and member companies to important information regarding safety.