2022 Survey of Collectively Bargained Health Benefit Plans in the USA

A survey by NORC at the University of Chicago examining collectively bargained health plans found that the ILWU-PMA plan is more expensive than other collectively bargained health plans, yet workers are not required to contribute to the cost of premiums. Further, cost sharing is lower than among other similar plans.

The ILWU-PMA plan provides minimal cost health benefits to plan members, who pay zero premiums, and has far lower cost sharing for services than its collectively bargained counterparts or compared to those with employer-sponsored insurance.

As the NORC survey notes, the ILWU-PMA plan has no premium cost for their members, for either single or family plans. In contrast, the monthly average premium for collectively bargained health plans was $658 for single coverage, and $1,632 for family coverage. Employer-sponsored insurance costs $645 and $1,852 a month for single and family coverage, respectively.